Omphalomesenteric Fistula; A rare cause of persistent umbilical discharge; A case report

Sumiya Arshad, Ishtiaq Ahmed Qureshi


Omphalomesenteric duct is a normal embryological structure, which connects the mid gut to yolk sac in intra uterine life. It normally obliterates by 5th - 9th weeks of gestation. Failure of omphalomesenteric duct to obliterate leads to various anomalies in the umbilical region including Meckel’s diverticulum, omphalomesenteric duct cyst, omphalomesenteric sinus or fistula. Rarest presentation of persistent omphalomesenteric duct is omphalomesenteric fistula. It is usually seen in paediatric patients as persistent discharge from umbilicus1; however cases have also been reported in adults2.It can also present as small bowel obstruction due to prolapse of ileum through the fistula, requiring early diagnosis and treatment. This case report is of rare omphalomesenteric fistula, with a brief review of its pathogenesis, clinical and radiological findings.

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